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Web Links for Better Living
Dr. Gray Keller
Tom Kroon and
 Quality Water LLC
Melvin Henry Center is able to complete the milestones for successfully implementing our mission because of the generous contributions of individuals and small businesses.
Great thanks to the following individuals for their support of Melvin Henry Center's Mission and Vision.  Melvin Henry Center's 100% volunteer workforce continues to create measurable outcomes for others because of the divine treasures of time, knowledge, and kind words that you continue to share. 
Neil Harrington
Walt Fuller
Carl and Brenda Wastler
The White Family
Melvin Henry Center Board of Directors
10 Ways to Show Gratitude
How to accept a compliment
Tim Johnson
Since Melvin Henry Center's first day of renovations and sales at Melvin Henry Center: Inwood, Tim Johnson and Cherokee Builder have shared the time to complete Phase 1 of Mevin Henry Center's work force training lab.  Tim's donation of materials and hands on labor has resulted in the successful completion of Melvin Henry Center's first community event (Cherokee Builder Seats for Seniors ) and Melvin Henry Center's thrift shop.  

As a regular customer of our thrift shop and adviser on numerous construction initiatives, Tim has been instrumental in creating the "Get it done" culture necessary for creating Melvin Henry Center's current success in the free market and during fundraising initiatives.  Tim's initial faith and expectations for 501 c 3 Organizations has helped ensure an attitude of gratitude and a culture of success necessary to sustain Melvin Henry Center's presence in the Inwood, WV community.  Tim's sharing of time and kind words continues to expand Melvin Henry Center's ability to contribute to the needs of local individuals and businesses.
Tom Kroon’s active sharing of his knowledge and time continues to expand Melvin Henry Center’s progress towards industry recognized accreditation of our work force training lab. As an entrepreneur and Continuing Education Instructor, his feedback has been incorporated into Melvin Henry Center’s orientation for volunteers, event marketing materials, and instructional prop used for work forces skills training.  

Tom’s efforts on behalf of Melvin Henry Center has resulted in free market activities and strategies necessary to prepare for the 2nd stage of renovations necessary for industry recognition of Melvin Henry Center's Construction Skills Training Lab. toms experiences as an entrepreneur and continuing education instructor have been instrumental in guiding our efforts for accreditation by the National Center for Construction Education Research and the International Renewable Energies Council. Melvin Henry Center’s completion of our 2014 objectives, along with Tom’s participation, has raised the 2015 expectations for completing the accreditation process of our workforce training lab.
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Since the inception of Melvin Henry Center, Don Stone has supported our mission with donations of time and product necessary to sustain stock and sales during our first Flea Market and Yard Sale tour in 2014. 

Since the inception of Melvin Henry center,   The Stone Family sponsorship for Melvin Henry Center continues to support our gifting of clothes, toys, and fresh vegetables to Thurmont, MD Senior Citizens.

Since 2012, Don Stone and family have sponsored Melvin Henry Center's Colorfest activities in Thurmont MD. Access to Thurmont Colorfest space has been instrumental in Melvin Henry Center's providing hands on free market learning experiences for our 100% volunteer workforce. As an organization that relies on a 100% volunteer workforce and the resale of donated items, the Thurmont Colorfest and spending time with the Stone's is a cornerstone for making the community aware of our upcoming years activities.  

Thank you Greg Walter and family for their long term contributions to Melvin Henry Center; the community continues to benefit from their generous donations.

Everyone volunteering at Melvin Henry Center brings something special with their efforts and Greg’s major contribution is the no nonsense straight forward approach to completing tasks. When giving feedback for fundraising events and organizing activities, Greg’s keep it simple approach continued to prove successful during the planning of numerous 2015 fundraising events.
Along with Greg’s and Teresa’s numerous contributions of time and product, their kind words and faith in Melvin Henry Center's potential continues to expand Melvin Henry Center's ability to fulfill its mission and vision.
Greg and Teresa Walter

Thank you Gwen, Tim, Susan, and family for the hard winter’s work and preparing our vision for the 2017 yard sales. Their work has helped increase the number of those served by our clothes room and expanded our hours of operation.  their dedication to helping Melvin Henry Center sort donated items and organize our regular yard sales greatly contributes to our ability to sustain regular hours at Melvin Henry Center: Inwood for the receipt and resale of donated items.