Jerry Clower from
​Sojourner Truth  from
Brushy One String from
George Patton from
Role Models for the 21st Century
The 21st Century is an age of creativity; an age in which the world is 
reserving its prizes for innovators, thinkers, and creators. As continually 
noted, poverty grows and so does the distance between the gots and got
 nots in rich lands and poor lands alike.  In spite of the growing distance
between the gots and got nots we must celebrate success in all its forms
and accept that somebody will always have more food, more socks, 
a prettier painting, and better smelling cheese than somebody else; it is the 
nature of things and a hole motivation for inventing math ). 

Perhaps the greater issue is not that poverty exists or that poverty is
growing: perhaps the greater issue with poverty is that more people are
entering poverty and staying there longer than ever. So, in this new age of 
increasing gaps between the gots and the got nots and our expanding
obligations to serve our fellow man, so grows our need to share ongoing, 
new, and old stories of success. 

Sharing stories of personal growth and expanded revenue in lands inherently
impoverished or societies learned helpless reveal the world’s potentialities, 
expands our quality of mind, and creates new choices for action. We may 
not be able to eliminate poverty, since poverty defines our social character 
and inspires individual actions worthy of releasing the world’s rewards, but 
we can help good listeners to envision their life beyond their current 
condition with knowledge of others who have risen above their environments
to initiate social change. Sharing role models for success creates hope and 
new choices for those willing to listen and claim their vision of success. 

Free dictionary dot com defines role model as “A person who serves as a 
model in a particular behavioral or social role for another person to emulate.”
Identifying role models and emulating successful behaviors is an important 
key to success during the uncertainties of increased poverty and hunger. 
Emulating role models may be especially important for those adjusting to 
newly imposed poverty or visualizing life changes. “Role models originate
from a demand for them. They emerge as a result of a general 
dissatisfaction within a community and as a reassurance when its people 
wonder, "Is that all there is? Is that all that we can be?" ( ). Success and failure 
cannot occupy the same space, which is why it is important to help others 
visualize and claim their potential for personal growth and niche revenue
through the use of role models.  Standard role models empower us with 
new visions and behaviors for success.

Standard heros and sheroes for pathways out of poverty such as the 7 
talents, Madam C.J. Walker, Thomas Lipton, Wallace P. Wattles, Job, or 
any other techie entrepreneur seem to indicate that knowledge, economics,
resources, and environments are small indicators for prosperity in the midst
 of poverty. Prosperities appear to be more reliant upon personal growth
resulting from utilizing existing resources/experiences  (we don’t always 
need more, just use what we got betterer) and replacing the world as it 
appears in the round with visions and behaviors for what the world is to become (fake it till you make it). Also inferred from standard success stories is an assumed responsibility for personal action and an attraction to individuals who share constructive and harmonious language during breaches of etiquette/protocol and during the occasionally messy learning curve. Interacting with constructive individuals who trade the divine treasures of patience, time, and knowledge for the intrinsic value of helping others grow is perhaps the most common indicator success, regardless of the environment. Identifying and learning from role models and individuals who appreciate the intrinsic value of helping others build upon their current success should be a primary objective when joining Linkedin.  

Melvin Henry Center’s potential for success in 2014 is greatly expanded because of joining Linkedin and interacting with role models who share their knowledge, resources, and work for the benefit of others striving for personal growth and professional success. Melvin Henry Center is thankful for the online training material and administrative guidance from Natasha Golinski and Next Level Non-Profits ( ), which has proved to be instrumental in focusing Melvin Henry Center's mission and growing contributions to the community. The available on line training from J.T. O'Donnell of CAREEREALISM (, and the thoughtful personal responses and web videos from Dr. Gray Keller ( ) , have inspired insights, motivated actions, and established measurable outcomes. 

Other influence upon Melvin Henry Center’s ability to replace everyday around the corner opportunities for failure with straight ahead visions and activities necessary for success were the consultations of Dr. Marla Gottschalk ) and Steve Chiodini and Gregory Colvin of Adler Colvin ( ). Because of combined time and energy of those noted and yet to be mentioned, Melvin Henry Center is better prepared to calmly navigate expected and soon to be discovered learning curves: because of everyone’s combined time and energy, Melvin Henry Center will continue to serve its mission in 2014.

As with those previously noted, role models such as Sojourner Truth, Jerry Clower, Brushy One String, and General Patton’s have the ability to inspire insights, motivate actions, and establish measurable outcomes for individuals who wish to create their path out of poverty. 

Take the time to listen to the attached videos of people I believe should be remembered in the 21st Century.

Who are your role models and why??

How do Sojourner Truth, Jerry Clower, Brushy One String, and General Patton’s compare to your role models?

Help others replace thoughts of poverty with visions of success without spending a dime and sharing nothing but the time to tell others about your favorite role models who have created their personal pathway to success.