

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
The Pre-Work Force program provides an introduction to power/energy fundamentals and technologies to increase awareness and interest by providing hands on projects coupled with math, science, and critical thinking concepts.
This course provides an introduction to building efficiency that includes understanding building envelop, energy consumption by appliances, and solar PV integration. The course is taught through a building energy modeling simulation tool.

STEM: Building Energy Efficiency; 20 Hours
STEM: Efficient Lighting; 20 Hours
This course provides an introduction to efficient lighting design. The energy consumption and light output from currently used to next generation technology is compared in relation to efficiency and cost. Students investigate efficient lighting for an average home by designing/simulating a room that uses different lighting technologies from incandescent bulbs to LEDs.

This course provides a fundamental understanding for renewable energy system design for a average US home using a graphical simulation integration platform.  Students designs solar PV/Wind Turbine systema for a typical US home that consume 10,000KWH annually. 

STEM: Solar/Wind Technology; 20 Hours
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